Garage Lighting Upgrade

For a long time, I just put up with the poor lighting in my garage/workshop. I assumed to the cost to upgrade the lighting would not be worth it. It turns out I was wrong. After a bit of research, I found some reasonably priced LED lights that seemed like a great solution for my garage.

I wanted a good spread of lights, and was not eager to do much wiring for this particular project. Turns out, these lights can be plugged into each other, making it simple to add multiple lights off of one electrical outlet.

To celebrate, Bob Barker and I decided to “take out” one of the old problem lights with some Office Space flair!

Installing the lights was then a quick fix by drilling holes for the hooks and hanging them in place. The first time I turned them on it felt like I unleased the power of the sun inside my garage, and it was awesome!

I highly recommend this upgrade to anyone whose lighting is lacking. Its easier than I thought, and makes a big difference.

My YouTube channel has a full video showing the process, along with a short clip showing Bob Barker and my permanent solution to our old light fixture. Check it out!

Affiliate links for tools, I make a small commission on qualifying purchases at no extra cost to you.

LED Lights:

Dewalt 20V Max Cordless Drill/combo:

Tape Measure:

Mechanical Pencil:

#woodworking #DIY #shoplights #garagelights #officespace #workshop #shopbuild #garageshop #LED #shoplights #cheaplights #garageLED #garagelights #LEDlightupgrade